"Blue States Should Quit Paying Red States Bills "
» Time to Dismount Your High Horses from greatguys.blogspot.com
...Anyway, for those on their high horses who see vast republican conspiracies to bleed the blue states for the benefit of the welfarist red states, I think it's time to dismount. [Read More]
» The Era of Big Government: Part III from GregsOpinion.com
Great column by Anne Applebaum on how passe it's become to rail against Big Government nowadays. The opening here for Dems is that this presents us the golden opportunity to start goring some sacred cows. With more red states feeding... [Read More]
» Asymmetry or hypocrisy? from Geoff Arnold
After a series of mind-bogglingly inept op-ed pieces in the New York Times, David Brooks came up with a reasonably interesting piece today. Under the heading Not Just a Personality Clash, a Conflict of Visions, he argues that there is a relationship be... [Read More]
» California Canary from I Kill Spies
According to this article ( a summary of the report from the Tax Foundation), the same states that voted for Bush in 2000 were the same ones that receive the most Federal aid. Tell me Bush doesn't practice partisan politics! Look at the change from 199... [Read More]
» The hypocrisy of the Red States from factory of infinite bliss
Family values? Here are the states with the highest divorce rates (rates are #/1000): 40 Kentucky 5.8 Arizona 5.8 42 Florida 5.9 43 New Mexico 6.0 44 Idaho 6.2 Alabama 6.2 46 Indiana 6.4 47 Wyoming 6.5 48 Tennessee 6.6 4... [Read More]
» All politics is local from The Anderkoo Blog
In the past few years partisan rancor has corroded O'Neill's iron law of politics. [Read More]
» Time to starve the beast from Payam Mirrashidi: SF Days
I hate to say it, but after Tuesday's disappointing Democratic showing, I'm thinking that one way to battle conservative dominance of the Federal government is to make it smaller. Change things such that the Congress has less influence over my life out... [Read More]
» Time to starve the beast from Payam Mirrashidi: SF Days
I hate to say it, but after Tuesday's disappointing Democratic showing, I'm thinking that a reasonable way to battle conservative dominance of the Federal government is to make it smaller. Change things such that the Congress has less influence over my... [Read More]
» Biting the hand that feeds... from Sharp Tools
I'd actually been idly wondering about this in the aftermath of the election, and happily for me, someone on the internet did it. Here is a brief look at which states receive the least (and most) federal funding per dollar... [Read More]
» Biting the hand that feeds... from Sharp Tools
I'd actually been idly wondering about this in the aftermath of the election, and happily for me, someone on the internet did it. Here is a brief look at which states receive the least (and most) federal funding per dollar... [Read More]
» Red States Feed at Federal Trough, Blue States Supply the Feed from essays
The TaxProf Blog points us to a report from the Tax Foundation. This fascinating study shows exactly which states benefit from federal tax and spending policies, and which states foot the bill. Surprisingly, the "value conscious" Red States -- you [Read More]
» 'Red States Feed at Federal Trough, Blue States Supply the Feed' from TomorrowYesterday
Blue States Feed Red States The report shows that of the 32 states (and the District of Columbia) that are "winners" -- receiving more in federal spending than they pay in federal taxes -- 76% are Red States that voted for George Bush in 2000. Indeed, ... [Read More]
» Tax Relief? from Blues and Beyond
When a conservative says "I want tax relief," what does he really mean? [Read More]
» Fuck the South from Thoughtcrimes
This isn't our sentiment -- after all, the Institute for Creative Thoughtcrime and those of us who staff it live and work here -- but, boy howdy, is whoever created this site a sore loser or what? Fuck the South. Fuck 'em. We should have let them go wh... [Read More]
» Foul Language And Violence from The Political Puzzle v2.0
Foul Language Fuck the South. Fuck 'em. We should have let them go when they wanted to leave. But no, we had to kill half a million people so they'd stay part of our special Union. Fighting for the right... [Read More]
» Foul language And Violence from Grouchy's Liberaltopia
Foul Language Fuck the South. Fuck 'em. We should have let them go when they wanted to leave. But no, we had to kill half a million people so they'd stay part of our special Union. Fighting for the right... [Read More]
» Very Interesting from revelling.org
I find it quite interesting the most of the largely Republican states are the ones receiving the most Federal tax dollars. The few Republicans I know always talk about tax cuts and cutting social service programs, yet it seems taxes and aid are helpin... [Read More]
» Reading from artlessNET
Fuck the South (courtesy of funkaoshi.com)... we, as in all sane non-white-middle-americans, have all been thinking it ... finally someone has just gone and said it... harsh you say? whats harsh is that we now have to deal with the... [Read More]
» Blue Stater ... Blue Words from John P. Hoke's Asylum
Wow... all I can say is ... wow ... In a time when everyone is looking at ways to kiss a bit of Red State Ass, to try and woo a vote here or there, this guy has a different... [Read More]
» The latest red state/blue state meme from The Unabrewer
There have been some comments from the left that the blue states pay out federal taxes, while the red states benefit from them. [Read More]
» Are we moochers? from Undercaffeinated
Are Red states mooching off blue states? Is there a huge mass of ignorant, poor, redneck red-staters that all voted for Bush while contributing nothing to the national economy? Some people think so. Well, as a red state Bush voter... [Read More]
» Are we moochers? from Undercaffeinated
Are Red states mooching off blue states? Is there a huge mass of ignorant, poor, redneck red-staters that all voted for Bush while contributing nothing to the national economy? Some people think so. Well, as a red state Bush voter... [Read More]
» A Message from F*ckTheSouth.com from Radio Left
F*ck the South. F*ck 'em. We should have let them go when they wanted to leave. But no, we had to kill half a million people so they'd stay part of our special Union. Fighting for the right to keep slaves - yeah, those are states we want to keep. A... [Read More]
» Map Fever from JunkieWire - The Joe Hill Dispatch journal of news for political junkies.
Barry Ritholtz has gone map crazy !!!!! He's posted a bunch of maps that relate to the election results. He's... [Read More]
» Map Fever from JunkieWire - The Joe Hill Dispatch journal of news for political junkies.
Barry Ritholtz has gone map crazy !!!!! He's posted a bunch of maps that relate to the election results. He's... [Read More]
» It's the Tax Code from Oscar Jr. Was Here
On the TaxProf Blog is a widely-linked post titled Red States Feed at Federal Trough, Blue States Supply the Feed. The post's author writes: The Tax Foundation has released a fascinating report showing which states benefit from federal tax and... [Read More]
» It's the Tax Code from Oscar Jr. Was Here
On the TaxProf Blog is a widely-linked post titled Red States Feed at Federal Trough, Blue States Supply the Feed. The post's author writes: The Tax Foundation has released a fascinating report showing which states benefit from federal tax and... [Read More]
» The Heartland from The Talent Show
Speaking of venting your frustration, I love the rant at FuckTheSouth.com : Fuck the South. Fuck 'em. We should have let them go when they wanted to leave. But no, we had to kill half a million people so they'd... [Read More]
» Dems Want Literacy Tests & Poll Taxes Back? They need a math class from The Hopeful Cynic
So, who do these people vote for? I know this should come as a shock to absolutely no one (except the idiots pointing to the posts above, and saying, "see, see"): they voted for Bush by a 2-1 margin. (Duh!) Put another way, 2/3rds of the people paying ... [Read More]
» Welfare bums on crack, or.... from kathleen ream
I'm intrigued by this post from TaxProf about a report from the Tax Foundation on the expenditures of federal dollars per dollar of taxes -- iow, which states pay more than they get and which states get more than they... [Read More]
Tracked on Nov 12, 2004 11:40:54 AM
» Red State/Blue State Distinctions from Dispatches from the Culture Wars
We've been hearing so much lately about the red state/blue state thing, how the blue states are full of immoral, gay-loving, baby-killing liberal pagans (and all vote Democratic) and the red states contain mostly morally upstanding, family values lovin... [Read More]
Tracked on Nov 13, 2004 9:00:35 AM
Source: https://taxprof.typepad.com/taxprof_blog/2004/09/red_states_feed.html
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